1000 Names of Jesus

Belief in Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christian faith. As followers of Christ, we understand and connect with Him through His many names and titles revealed in the Bible. From 1000 Names of Jesus, each name of Jesus reveals a unique aspect of His divine nature, character, and mission. To truly love, trust, and worship Jesus, it is essential to comprehend the depth of who He is. Studying and reflecting upon these names helps us deepen our relationship with Him and strengthens our faith.

Sr. Name Reference
1 Abiding Son John 8:35. Matt. 28:20. Heb. 1:3
2 Abolisher of the Enemy Eph. 2:15. Revelation 19:20
3 Abundant Grace Romans 5:17-19
4 Abundant Life John 10:10. Psalms 23:1
5 Ancient of Days Daniel 7:9,13, 22
6 Adonai Deut. 6:4. Isa. 4:4; 61:1
7 Advocate I John 2:1
8 Aleph and Tau Psalms 119:1,169
9 Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:8, 11; 22:13
10 Altogether Lovely Song of Solomon 5:16
11 Amen Num. 5:22. Rev. 1:5; 3:14
12 Anchor of Souls Gen. 6:19. Matt. 14:25
13 Angel of God Gen. 31:11. Exo. 14:9
14 Angel of His Presence Isa. 63:9. John 1:13
15 Angel of Jacob Genesis 49:16
16 Angel of the Lord Gen. 18:2-15. Exodus 3:2
17 Anointed King I Sam. 2:10
18 Anointed One Psalms 2:2
19 Anointed of the Holy Spirit Psa. 45:7. Heb. 1:9. Matt. 3:16
20 Anointed Preacher Isaiah 61:1
21 Anointed Witness I Samuel 12:5
22 Anointed of My Head Psalms 23:5
23 Another King Acts 17:7
24 Another Priest Heb. 7:15, 16
25 Anthem of a New Song Rev. 5:9; 7:12; 15:3
26 Apple Tree Song of Solomon 2:3
27 Appointed Heir Hebrews 1:2
28 Appointed Judge John 5:29. Acts 12:30
29 Appointed of God Psa. 104:19. Hebrews 3:2
30 Appointed Sacrifice Hebrews 7:28. Psalms 40:6
31 Appointer of Seasons Psalms 104:19. Genesis 1:14
32 Approved of God Acts 2:22
33 Ark of Strength Isa. 62:8
34 Arm of His Strength Psalms 132:8
35 Arm of Redemption Psalms 77:15
36 Arm of the Lord Isaiah 51:9; 53:1
37 Armor of God Isaiah 6:5; 11:5
38 Assurance of our Hearts John 14:1. I John 3:19
39 Astonied One Isa. 52:14; 50:6
40 Author and Finisher of Faith Heb. 12:2. John 19:30
41 Author of Eternal Salvation Heb. 5:9. Rev. 21:27
42 Arrow of Conviction Zech. 9:14. John 7:58
43 Author of Peace with God Romans 5:1. John 14:27
44 Author of Book of Life Revelation 21:27
45 Availing Shield and Buckler Psalms 35:2
46 Babe of Bethlehem Luke 2:12
47 Babe and Child of Promise Gen. 3:15. Isa. 7:14; 9:6
48 Balm of Gilead Jeremiah 8:22
49 Banner of Israel Psalms 60:4
50 Banner of Love Song of Solomon 2:4
51 Baptizer Matthew 3:11
52 Barer of the Seven Stars Revelation 1:16
53 Beautiful and Glorious Branch Isaiah 4:2
54 Beauty of Holiness II Chron. 20:21. Isaiah 33:17
55 Beauty of the Lord Isa. 4:2. Psalms 90:17
56 Beginning and Ending Isa. 43:3-7. Revelation 1:8
57 Beginning of Wisdom Psalms 111:10. Proverbs 8:23
58 Beloved, White and Rudy One Song of Solomon 5:10
59 Beloved of the Father Matthew 12:18
60 Beloved Son Matt. 13:17. Mark 11:1
61 Better than Angels Hebrews 1:4
62 Blessed and Glorious Lamb Revelation 5:13
63 Blessed and Only Potentate I Tim. 6:16. Revelation 19:16
64 Blessed and Glorious Name Psalms 72:19
65 Blessed Lamb of Glory Revelation 7:12
66 Blessed One Psalms 72:19
67 Blessed Rock Psalms 18:46
68 Blesser of the Children Mark 9:36
69 BRANCH Zechariah 3:8
70 Branch of Righteousness Jeremiah 33:15
71 Bread John 6:50
72 Bread of Heaven John 6:51
73 Bread of God John 6:33
74 Bread of Life John 6:48
75 Breast Plate of our Righteousness Rom. 13:14. Ephesians 6:14
76 Bridegroom John 2:39. Matt. 9:15
77 Bridegroom Lamb Revelation 19:7; 21:9
78 Bright Light of Glory Job 37:21
79 Brightness of His Glory Heb. 1:3. John 17:5
80 Brightness of the Lord Eze. 10:4
81 Brightness of Thy Rising Isa. 60:3. Rev. 21:23
82 Bringer of Good Things Isa. 41:27; 61:1
83 Brother of James Mark 6:3
84 Buckler to the Upright Proverbs 2:7
85 Buckler to All II Sam. 22:51. Psalms 18:30
86 Builder and Maker Heb. 11:10. Isa. 17:7
87 Builder of the Church Matthew 16:18
88 Bruised and Afflicted of God Isaiah 53:5
89 Bruiser of Satan Gen. 3:15. Romans 16:20
90 Captain of Salvation Hebrews 2:10
91 Captain of the Lord’s Host Joshua 5:14
92 Carpenter Mark 6:3
93 Carpenter’s Son Matt. 13:55
94 Chief Corner Stone Ephesians 2:10
95 Chief Shepherd I Peter 5:4
96 Chiefest among Ten Thousand Song of Solomon 5:10
97 Child Jesus Luke 2:47
98 Child of the Holy Ghost Matthew 1:18
99 Chosen of God I Peter 2:4. Luke 23:25
100 Chosen Stone of God I Peter 2:4
101 Christ Jesus Acts 19:4; Romans 3:24
102 Christ Jesus the Lord II Corinthians 4:5
103 Christ of God Luke 9:20
104 Christ our Life Colossians 3:4
105 Christ our Peace Isaiah 53:5; Ephesians 2:14
106 Christ the Crucified I Corinthians 1:22; 2:8
107 Christ the King of Israel Mark 15:32
108 Christ the Lord Luke 2:11
109 Christ the Rock I Corinthians 10:4
110 Christ the Son of David Mark 12:35
111 Christ the Son of God Acts 9:20; Luke 4:11
112 Christ the Son of the Blessed Mark 14:61
113 Christ the First Fruits I Corinthians 15:23; Matthew 27:53
114 Cloud of the Lord Exodus 40:38; Revelation 14:14
115 Cluster of the Camphire Song of Solomon 1:14
116 Comfort of the Mourners Isaiah 61:2; John 11:45
117 Comforter of Zion Isaiah 40:1
118 Compassionate Shepherd Matthew 9:36
119 Consuming Fire Deuteronomy 4:24; 9:3
120 Confidence Psalms 65:5
121 Conquering Lamb Revelation 17:14
122 Consecrated Son Hebrews 7:8
123 Consolation of Israel Luke 2:25
124 Complete Controller of All Colossians 1:17
125 Completer of the Saints Colossians 3:3
126 Contradiction of Sinners Hebrews 12:3; Romans 3:23
127 Counsel of the Most High Psalms 107:22; Isaiah 9:6
128 Covenant of the People Isaiah 49:8
129 Covenant of Promise Hebrews 10:16
130 Covert from the Storm Isaiah 4:6
131 Creator of Israel Isaiah 43:15
132 Creator of the New Heavens and Earth Isaiah 66:22
133 Creator of Principalities and Powers Colossians 1:16
134 Creator of the Earth Isaiah 40:28
135 Creator of the Heavens Isaiah 42:5; 45:18
136 Creator of Visible & Invisible things Colossians 1:16
137 Creator of the Winds Proverbs 30:4; Amos 4:13
138 Crown of Glory Isaiah 28:5
139 Crown of Pure Gold Psalms 21:3
140 Darling Psalms 22:20; 35:17
141 Days man Job 9:33; I Timothy 2:5
142 Dayspring from on High Luke 1:78
143 Daystar II Peter 1:19
144 Defense Job 22:25; Psalms 89:18
145 Deliverer Psalms 18:2
146 Deliverer to Zion Isaiah 59:20
147 Deliverer of my Soul Psalms 86:13; Romans 10:4
148 Designer of the Universe Psalms 19:1
149 Desire of All Nations Haggai 2:7
150 Desire of our Soul Isaiah 26:8
151 Desire of the Bride Song of Solomon 7:10
152 Desire of the Prophets and Kings Luke 10:24
153 Desire of the Righteous Proverbs 11:23
154 Desire of Women Daniel 11:37
155 Despised and Rejected One Isaiah 53:3
156 Despised of the People Psalms 22:6; Isaiah 60:14
157 Dew of youth Psalms 110:3
158 Dew unto Israel Hosea 14:5
159 Diadem of Beauty Isaiah 28:5
160 Disallowed Stone I Peter 2:7
161 Door of Faith Acts 14:27
162 Door of the Sheep John 10:9
163 Dweller of the Heavenlies Psalms 123:1; John 6
164 El Shaddai Genesis 14
165 Enlarger of Gad Deuteronomy 33:20
166 Elect of the Lord Isaiah 42:1
167 Elohim Genesis 1:1; Exodus 1:17; Zechariah 13:9
168 Enlarger of my Heart Psalms 119:32
169 Enlightener of My Darkness Psalms 18:28
170 Ensign Isaiah 30:17
171 Ensign for the Nations Isaiah 11:12
172 Ensign of the People Isaiah 11:10
173 Enthroned Priest Zechariah 6:12; Hebrews 10:12
174 Equal of God John 5:18; Philippians 2:6
175 Establisher of the Ends of the Earth Proverbs 30:4
176 Eternal Christ John 8
177 Eternal Life I John 1:2; 5:20
178 Eternal Word John 1:1
179 Eucharist of our Faith I Corinthians 11:24
180 Everlasting God Isaiah 40:28
181 Everlasting King Isaiah 40:28
182 Everlasting Name Isaiah 63:16; Philippians 2:11
183 Everlasting Priest Hebrews 7:17
184 Ever living Intercessor Isaiah 53:12; Hebrews 7:25
185 Ever living One Revelation 4:10
186 Ever merciful One Psalms 37:26
187 Exalted and Extolled Servant Isaiah 52:13
188 Exalted God of Salvation Psalms 18:46
189 Exalted Lamb Rev. 5:13
190 Exalted Name Psa. 34:4; Phil. 2:9
191 Exceeding Joy our God Psa. 34:4
192 Excellency of God Isa. 35:2
193 Excellent Psalms 148:13
194 Excellent and Comely One Isa. 4:2
195 Executor of Judgment John 5:27
196 Executor of Righteousness Jeremiah 33:15
197 Expectation of David Psalms 62:5
198 Express Image Heb. 1:3
199 Eye of the Lord Psalms 33:18
200 Face of God Gen. 33:30; John 1:18
201 Face of the Lord Luke 1:78
202 Fairer than Children of Man Isa. 45:2
203 Faithful I Thes. 5:24
204 Faithful Ambassador Proverbs 13:7
205 Faithful Creator I Peter 4:9
206 Faithful Lord Isa. 49:7
207 Faithful and Just Forgiver I John 1:9
208 Faithful Witness Psa. 89:37; Rev. 1:5
209 Faithfulness Isa. 11:5
210 Father of the Fatherless Isa. 65:5
211 Fellow John 5:18; Zech. 3:17
212 First and Last Isa. 44:6; Rev. 1:11
213 First Begotten Heb. 1:6
214 First Begotten from the Dead Rev. 1:5; Matt. 27:53
215 Fire of Zion Isa. 31:9
216 First Born Psa. 89:27
217 First Born Among Many Brethren Romans 8:29
218 First Born from the Dead Col. 1:18
219 First Born of Every Creature Col. 1:15
220 First Born Son Matt. 1:25
221 First Fruits of Them That Slept I Cor. 15:20
222 First Love I John 4:19; Rev. 2:4
223 Foolishness of God I Peter 1:18, 20
224 Foreordained Eternally I Peter 1:20
225 Forerunner Heb. 6:20
226 Former of all things Jer. 51:19; John 1:3
227 Former of Jacob and Israel Isa. 44:21
228 Former of the Light Gen. 1:15-17; John 1:10
229 Fountain of Jacob Deut. 33:28
230 Fountain of the House of David Zech. 13:1
231 Framer of the Worlds Heb. 11:3
232 Free Gift Romans 5:15
233 Friend Proverbs 18:24
234 Friend Forever II Chron. 20:7
235 Friend of Abraham Isa. 41:8
236 Friend of Publicans and Sinners Matt. 11:19
237 Fruit of the Earth Isa. 4:2; 47:2; 53:3
238 Fruit of the Womb Matt. 1:25; Luke 1:42
239 Fullness of the Father Col. 1:19
240 Fullness of the Godhead Col. 2:9
241 Gardener of Earth Isa. 41:19; Gen. 2:8; Psa. 65
242 Gather of the Winds Proverbs 30:4
243 Gentiles Trust Romans 15:12; Luke 2:32
244 Gift of God John 4:10
245 Giver of Secrets and Treasures of Earth Isa. 45:3,9
246 Giver of the Good Spirit Neh. 9:20; John 16
247 Gladness of the Nations Psalms 106:5
248 Glorious Arm Isa. 63:12
249 Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty Psa. 145:5; Heb. 1:3
250 Glorious Lord Isa. 33:21
251 Glorious Voice with Us Isa. 30:30; Rev. 1:10-12
252 Glory of God's Majesty Isa. 61:1; Heb. 1:3; 8:1
253 Glory of Israel Eze. 9:3; Luke 2:32
254 Glory of the Gentiles Isa. 66:12; Luke 2:32
255 God Blessed Forever Romans 1:25; 9:5
256 God Manifest in Flesh I Tim. 3:16
257 God of David Psa. 18:32
258 God of Great Kindness Neh. 9:17
259 God of Pardon and New Life Neh. 9:17
260 God of Righteousness and Wrath Isa. 42:5
261 God of Jeshrun Deut. 33:26
262 God our Savior I Tim. 2:3
263 God With Us Isa. 7:14; 8:10; Matt. 1:25
264 Good and Upright Psa. 51:8
265 Good Lord II Chron. 30:8; Psa. 100:5
266 Good Shepherd John 10:4; Eze. 34:12-16
267 Good Teacher Mark 10:17
268 Good Man of the House Matt. 20:11
269 Governor Micah 5:2; Matt. 2:18
270 Governor of Many Nations Psa. 22:8
271 Gracious God Jonah 4:2
272 Gracious Lord I Peter 2:3
273 Gracious and Full of Compassion Psa. 111:1; 145:8
274 Great Counselor Isa. 9:6; Jer. 32:19
275 Great Door I Cor. 16:9; John 10
276 Great God Neh. 8:6; Titus 2:13
277 Great High Priest Heb. 4:14
278 Great King Mal. 1:14
279 Great Lord Psa. 147:5
280 Great One Isa. 19:20
281 Great Peace Psa. 119:165; Isa. 26:3
282 Great Prophet Luke 7:17
283 Great Savior Titus 2:13
284 Great Shepherd Psa. 23:2; Heb. 13:20
285 Great and Terrible God Psa. 99:3; I Thess. 1:8
286 Greater than Abraham John 8:53
287 Greater than Isaac Heb. 11:19
288 Greater than Jacob John 4:12
289 Greater than Jonah Matt. 12:41; Luke 11:31
290 Greater than David Psa. 89:2
291 Greater than Noah I Peter 3:19
292 Greater than Solomon Matt. 12:41
293 Greater than our Hearts I John 3:20
294 Greater and more Perfect Tabernacle Heb. 9:11
295 Greatness of Excellency Exo. 15:6-7
296 Greatness of Might Isa. 40:26
297 Greatness of Strength Isa. 63:12
298 Greatness of Thy Power Psa. 79:11
299 Greatness of Zion Psa. 99:2
300 Green Tree Luke 23:11
301 Guarantor of our Security John 5:29; 10:28
302 Guarantor of the New Covenant Hebrews 8:10-13
303 Guarantor of the Tree of Life Rev. 22:14
304 Guide for Us Jer. 3:9; Psa. 48:14
305 Hand of the Lord Joshua 4:29
306 Hanged Redeemer Acts 5:30
307 Harmless Heb. 7:26
308 Hated One John 8:46; 15:23-24
309 Hater of Iniquity Heb. 1:9; Psalms 45
310 Head Above All I Chron. 29:1; Acts 4:32
311 Head of All Principality and Powers Col. 2:10
312 Head of Every Man I Cor. 11:3
313 Head of the Body Col. 1:18
314 Head of the Corner Eph. 5:23; Acts 20:28
315 Head of the Church Eph. 5:23
316 Head Over All Eph. 1:22
317 Head Over Things Eph. 4:15
318 Healer Exo. 15:26
319 Healer of Broken Hearts Isa. 61:1; Psalms 51:17
320 Healer of Souls Psalms 41:4
321 Healer of Wounds Isaiah 30:6
322 Health of My Countenance Psa. 42:5
323 Hearer of Prayer Psa. 65:2; John 15
324 Help of His Countenance Psalms 42:5
325 Helper of the Helpless Psa. 10:14; Mark 5:18
326 Heir of All Things Heb. 1:12
327 Hidden God Isaiah 45:18
328 Hidden Manna Rev. 2:12-17; John 6:36
329 High Above All Psalms 99:26; Phil. 2:11
330 High and Lofty One Isaiah 57:15
331 High God Micah 6:6
332 High Lord Psalms 93:4
333 High Priest of Good Things Heb. 9:11
334 High Priest of Our Profession Heb. 3:1; 6:20
335 High Priest Over House of God Heb. 10:21
336 High Right Hand Psalms 89:13
337 High Tower of Mine Psalms 18:2
338 Higher Than Heavens Heb. 7:26
339 Higher Than Kings Psalms 89:27; Rev. 19:16
340 Highest One Psalms 18:3
341 His Brightness Habakkuk 3:4
342 His Dear Son Col. 1:13
343 His Excellent Greatness Psalms 150:2
344 His Holiness Amos 4:12; Psa. 108:7
345 His Holy Arm Isaiah 52:10
346 His Loving-kindness Isaiah 63:7
347 His Mighty Hand Deut. 11:2
348 His Right Hand Isa. 62:8
349 His Son Jesus Christ I John 3:23
350 His Son Our Lord I Cor. 1:9
351 Holier Than Thou Isa. 65:5
352 Holy and True Rev. 6:10
353 Holy Child Jesus Acts 4:47, Luke 2:11
354 Holy Lord God I Sam. 6:20
355 Holy Name Psa. 33:31, Phil. 2:11
356 Holy One Job 6:10, Psa. 16:10
357 Holy One and Just Acts 3:14
358 Holy One of God Mark 1:24
359 Holy One of Israel Isa. 41:14
360 Holy One of Jacob Isa. 29:23
361 Holy One of Mount Paran Habb. 3:3
362 Holy Thing Luke 1:39
363 Honorable Lamb of Glory Rev. 7:12
364 Honored Son John 5:23
365 Hope in Day of Evil Jer. 17:7
366 Hope of David Psa. 16:19, Acts 2:30
367 Hope of Eternal Life Titus 3:17
368 Hope of Glory Col. 1:27
369 Hope of His People Israel Joel 3:16, Matt. 1:23
370 Hope of Israel Jer. 14:8
371 Hope of Righteousness Gal. 5:5
372 Hope of the Promise Acts 26:6
373 Hope and Joy of Abraham John 8:56
374 Hope and Joy of Simeon Luke 2:25-32
375 Horn of David Psa. 132:17
376 Horn of Salvation Luke 1:69
377 Horn of the House of David Eze. 29:21
378 Horn of the House of Israel Eze. 29:21
379 Horn of My Salvation Psa. 18:2, II Sam. 22:23
380 Hosanna of the Highest Praise Mark 11:10
381 House of Defense Psa. 31:2, Zech. 9:9
382 Humbler of the High Minded Isa. 26:5
383 Husband of Israel Isa. 54:5
384 Husband of the Bride Rev. 21:2, Jer. 23:9, II Cor. 11:2
385 I Am John 8:58
386 I Am that I Am Exo. 3:14, John 8:58
387 Image of God Heb. 1:3
388 Image of the Believers Col. 3:9
389 Image of the Father John 14:9
390 Image of the Invisible God Col. 1:15
391 Immanuel Isa. 7:14; 8:10, Matt. 1:23
392 Immortal I Tim. 1:17
393 Incarnate God Phil. 2:8, John 1:14
394 Infinite One Psa. 33:11, Mal. 3:16
395 Inheritor of All Nations Psa. 82:8
396 Inheritor of My Mountains Isa. 65:9
397 Intercessor of Sinners Isa. 53:12
398 Jasper and Sardine Stone Rev. 4:3
399 Jealous God Exo. 20:5, Joshua 24:19
400 JESUS Matt. 1:21
401 Jesus Christ our Lord Matt. 1:1
402 Jesus Christ our Savior Titus 2:3
403 Jesus Christ the Righteous I John 2:1
404 Jesus of Galilee Matt. 26:64
405 Jesus of Nazareth Matt. 1:24
406 Jesus the Crucified Acts 1:11; 2:36
407 Jesus the Grace and Truth John 1:17
408 Jesus the King of the Jews Matt. 27:37
409 Jew John 4:9
410 Judge Psa. 50:6
411 Judge Among Nations Isa. 2:4
412 Judge of All the Earth Psa. 94:21. Gen. 18:25
413 Judge of Israel Micah 5:2
414 Judge of Quick and Dead Acts 10:4
415 Judge of the Fatherless Psa. 10:18
416 Judge of Widows Psa. 68:5. Luke 21:1-4
417 Justified of the Spirit I Tim. 3:16
418 Justifier of the Circumcision Romans 3:30
419 Justifier of the Seed of Israel Isa. 45:25
420 Just God Isa. 45:25
421 Just Lord Zeph. 3:5
422 Just Man Matt. 27:4
423 Just One Acts 3:14; 7:52
424 Just Savior Isa. 45:21
425 Keeper of Israel Psa. 121:4
426 Keeper of the Covenant and Mercy Neh. 9:32
427 Keeper of the Keys of Hell and Death Rev. 3:7
428 Kindler of Tophet Isa. 30:33. Matt. 25:41
429 King Beautiful Isa. 33:17
430 King Eternal I Tim. 1:7
431 King Forever Psa. 10:16
432 King of All the Earth Psa. 47:5
433 King of Glory Psa. 24:7-10
434 King of Heaven Dan. 4:37. Psa. 24:7
435 King of Israel Isa. 41:21. Gen. 49:10
436 King of Jacob Isa. 41:21. Gen. 49:10
437 King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19:16
438 King of Nations Jer. 10:10. Rev. 12:5
439 King of Peace Heb. 7:2
440 King of Righteousness Heb. 7:2
441 King of Saints Rev. 15:3
442 King of the Jews Matt. 2:21. Mark 15:26
443 King of Truth John 18:37
444 King of Zion Psa. 2:6. Zech. 9:4
445 Kinsman Nearer Than I Ruth 3:12
446 Kinsman Redeemer Job 19:25. John 1:11
447 Kodashim (Holy One) Proverbs 9:10; 30:3
448 Korban (Sacrifices) Heb. 9:28
449 Lamb Rev. 5:6; 13:8
450 Lamb of God John 1:29, 36
451 Lamb of Mount Zion Rev. 14:2
452 Lamb of 144,000 Rev. 7:5-8
453 Lamb of Salvation Rev. 7:10
454 Lamb of the Great Multitude Rev. 7:9
455 Lamb of the Twelve Apostles Rev. 21:14
456 Lamb Slain from the Foundation Rev. 13:8
457 Lamb to the Slaughter Isa. 53:7. Acts 8:32
458 Lamb Without Spot and Blemish I Peter 1:18
459 Lamp II Sam. 22:29
460 Lamp of the Feet Psa. 119:105
461 Last Adam I Cor. 15:45
462 Leader and Commander Isa. 55:4
463 Life John 1:4
464 Life of Man Gen. 1:26. John 1:14
465 Lifted and Exalted Son John 3:14; 8:28
466 Lifted Up Suffering Symbol Num. 21:9
467 Lifted of My Head Psa. 3:3; 110:7
468 Light and Truth Psa. 43:3
469 Light Everlasting Isa. 60:20
470 Light in Darkness Psa. 112:4. John 8:12
471 Light of Heaven Acts 9:3; 26:13
472 Light of Israel Psa. 10:17
473 Light of Life John 1:4
474 Light of Men John 1:4
475 Light of the City Rev. 22:23
476 Light of the Gentiles Isa. 42:6. Luke 2:39
477 Light of the Glorious Gospel II Cor. 4:4
478 Light of the Glory of God II Cor. 4:46. John 17:5
479 Light of the Path Psa. 110:105
480 Light of the World John 8:12; 9:5
481 Light of Thy Countenance Psa. 89:15
482 Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2
483 Lily of the Valley Song of Solomon 2:11
484 Lion of the Tribe of Judah Hos. 11:10. Rev. 5:5
485 Lion of Zion Joel 3:16
486 Living Bread John 6:51
487 Living Redeemer Job 19:25
488 Living Savior Romans 5:9-11
489 Living Stone I Peter 2:4
490 Longsuffering God Num. 14:18. Psa. 86:15
491 Lord and Christ Acts 2:36
492 Lord and God John 20:28; 10:30
493 Lord and Shepherd Psa. 23:1
494 Lord From Heaven I Cor. 15:47
495 Lord God of the Holy Prophets Rev. 22:6
496 Lord God of Mount Sinai Neh. 9:13
497 Lord Jesus Christ Acts 2:36
498 Lord Jesus Christ Lord of Glory James 2:1
499 Lord Messiah Matt. 23:8
500 Lord Most High Psa. 7:17
501 Lord YHWH Everlasting Strength Isa. 26:4
502 Lord of a New Covenant Jer. 31:31. Heb. 8
503 Lord of All Acts 10:36
504 Lord of David Psa. 110:1
505 Lord of Glory I Cor. 2:8
506 Lord of Heaven and Earth Matt. 28:18. Acts 17:24
507 Lord of Hosts Isa. 23:9; 54:55
508 Lord of Kings Dan. 2:47
509 Lord of Lords Deut. 10:11
510 Lord of Peace II Thess. 3:16. John 4:35
511 Lord of Heaven's Riches Romans 10:12
512 Lord of the Harvest Matt. 9:38. John 4:35
513 Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:8
514 Lord of the Scriptures John 5:39-40. Luke 24:27
515 Lord of the Second Advent Heb. 9:28. Titus 2:15
516 Lord of the Whole Earth Micah 4:13
517 Lord Our Hope I Tim. 1:1
518 Lord Our Judge Isa. 33:22. John 5:29
519 Lord Our King Isa. 33:22
520 Lord Our Lord Psa. 8:1,9
521 Lord Our Maker Psa. 95:6
522 Lord Our Righteousness Jer. 23:36
523 Lord Our Shield Psa. 3:3; 59:11
524 Lord Over All Romans 10:12. Phil. 2:11
525 Lord the God of Hosts Amos 6:8
526 Lord the Judge Joshua 11:27
527 Lord Thy Creator Gen. 1:27. Ecc. 12:1
528 Lord Thy Redeemer Isa. 60:16
529 Lord Thy Savior Acts 4:12; 60:16
530 Lover of Righteousness Heb. 1:9. Psa. 33:5
531 Magnified Lord Isa. 34:3
532 Magnified Name I Chron. 17:24
533 Majesty Isa. 2:19
534 Maker of All Things John 1:3. Col. 1:16
535 Maker of Israel Hosea 8:14. Isa. 45:11
536 Maker of Morning Darkness Amos 4:13
537 Maker of One New Man Eph. 2:15
538 Maker of Peace Eph. 2:15
539 Maker of the New Way Isa. 43:14. Matt. 27:58
540 Maker of the Path in the Sea Isa. 43:16. Exo. 14:21; 15:10
541 Man Christ Jesus I Timothy 2:5
542 Man of God Judges 13:6
543 Man of Sorrows Isa. 53:3. John 19:16
544 Man of Thy Right Hand Psa. 80:17
545 Man of War Exo. 15:3. Rev. 19:16
546 Manna From Heaven John 6
547 Marred One Isa. 50:6; 52:14
548 Master in Heaven Eph. 6:9. Col. 1:14
549 Master of the House Matt. 10:25. Luke 13:35
550 Master of the Sea Psa. 94:4. Matt. 8:26-28
551 Mediator of a Better Covenant Heb. 8:6
552 Mediator of the New Covenant Heb. 12:22
553 Mediator of the New Testament Heb. 9:15
554 Mediator Between God and Man I Timothy 2:5
555 Meek and Lowly Jesus Matt. 11:29
556 Merciful and Faithful High Priest Heb. 2:7
557 Merciful God Jer. 3:12. Deut. 4:31
558 Messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3:1. Matt. 21:12
559 Messiah John 1:49; 8:24
560 Messiah the Prince Daniel 9:25
561 Mightier than the Mighty Waves Psa. 93:4
562 Mightier than the Noise of any Waters Psa. 93:4
563 Mighty and Strong One Isa. 28:2; 30:30
564 Mighty Arm Psa. 89:13
565 Mighty God Isa. 9:6. Jer. 32:18
566 Mighty Hand of God Exo. 3:19. I Peter 5:6
567 Mighty Man Isa. 42:13
568 Mighty One of Israel Isa. 30:27
569 Mighty One of Jacob Isa. 49:26
570 Mighty Power Deut. 4:37; 9:29
571 Mighty Savior Isa. 63:12
572 Mighty Strength Job 9:4
573 Mighty Wisdom Job 36:5
574 Mind of the Lord Lev. 24:12. I Cor. 2:16
575 Mine Anointed I Sam. 2:35
576 Mine Elect Isa. 65:9
577 Mine Holy One Habb. 1:12
578 Minister of the Circumcision Romans 15:3
579 Minister of the Sanctuary Heb. 8:12
580 Minister of the True Tabernacle Heb. 8:12
581 Most Holy Dan. 9:25
582 Most Mighty Psa. 45:3
583 Most Upright Isa. 26:7
584 Mystery of Godliness I Timothy 3:16
585 Narrow Gate Matthew 7:14. Isa. 40:2
586 Nazarene Matt. 2:23. Zech. 3:8
587 Near Lord Psa. 119:151
588 Obedient Son Heb. 5:8
589 Offspring of David Rev. 22:6. John 1:11
590 Ointment Poured Song of Solomon 1:3. Psa. 89:20
591 ONE Zech. 14:9
592 One and Only Sacrifice John 3:16
593 One Lord Zech. 14:9. Eph. 4:5
594 One Shepherd Eze. 34:23. John 10:16
595 Only Rock Psa. 62:2; 18:31
596 Ordained Lamp of the Anointed Psa. 132:17
597 Ordained of the Father Acts 17:30
598 Ordainer of the Preachers I Cor. 9:14
599 Our King Psa. 89:18
600 Our Lord Psa. 8:1,9
648 Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee Matt. 21:11
649 Prophet Mighty Deed and Truth Luke 24:19
650 Propitiation for Sins I John 2:2
651 Propitiation of our Faith Eph. 2:8. Romans 3:25
652 Proverb to His People Psa. 69:11
653 Pure One I John 3:2. II Cor. 5:21
654 Quickening Love Psa. 119:88; 159
655 Quickening Spirit I Cor. 14:45. John 5:25-28
656 Quickening Word Psa. 119:50. John 5:29-30
657 Rabbi Matt. 26:25. John 1:38
658 Rabboni John 20:16
659 Ransom for All I Tim. 2:16. I Peter 2:24
660 Recompenser Heb. 10:30. Rev. 19:11
661 Reconciler of Enemies Romans 5:9. Gal. 1:20
662 Reconciler of Things (Earthly and Heavenly Things) Col. 1:20
663 Redeemer and Forgiver Col. 1:14. Ephesians 1:7
664 Redeemer of Abraham Gen. 15:6. Isa. 29:2
665 Redeemer of Israel Isa. 41:14. Psa. 25:22
666 Redeemer of Souls Psa. 34:22
667 Redeemer of the First Testament Heb. 9:15. Job 14:9
668 Redeemer of Zion Isa. 59:20. Psa. 19:4
669 Redeemer the Holy One Isaiah 54:5
670 Redeemer the Lamb Rev. 7:14; 12:11; 13:8
671 Redeemer the Lord of Hosts Isa. 44:6
672 Redemption I Cor. 1:20. Luke 2:38
673 Refiner and Purifier Mal. 3:3. I Cor. 3:1
674 Refuge for the Oppressed Psa. 9:9; 91
675 Refuge for Us Psa. 62:6
676 Refuge from the Storm Isa. 25:4
677 Refuge in Day of Affliction Jer. 16:19
678 Refuge in Trouble Isa. 25:4
679 Reigning Lamb Rev. 7:5
680 Reproach of Men Psa. 22:6. Matt. 27:39
681 Rest For Our Souls Matt. 11:28
682 Restorer of Zion Psa. 102:16
683 Rejected Stone of Builders Isa. 28
684 Resurrection and Judge John 11:25; 5:29
685 Resurrection and the Life John 11:25
686 Revealer of Secrets Dan. 9:47. Romans 2:6
687 Revealer of Counsels of the Heart I Cor. 4
688 Revealer of the Hidden Mystery Rev. 1:1. Col. 1:27
689 Revealer of the Hidden Things I Cor. 4:5
690 REVEREND Psa. 111:9
691 Rewarder of Servants and Prophets Rev. 11:18
692 Righteous Jer. 12:1
693 Righteous and Very Faithful Testimony Psa. 119:138
694 Right Hand of David Psa. 18:5
695 Right Hand of My Righteousness Isa. 47:10
696 Righteous Branch Jer. 23:5
697 Righteous God Psa. 7:9
698 Righteous Judge II Timothy 4:8
699 Righteous Man Matt. 27:19
700 Righteous One Heb. 3:14
701 Righteous Rock Psa. 92:13
702 Righteous Servant Isa. 53:11
703 Risen Light Isa. 9:11. Matt. 4:16
704 Risen Lord Luke 24:34. I Cor. 15:31
705 River of Waters Isa. 32:2
706 Rock Higher Than I Psa. 61:2
707 Rock of Israel II Sam. 23:3
708 Rock of My Refuge Psa. 94:22
709 Rock of My Salvation Psa. 89:26
710 Rock of Offense Romans 9:33
711 Rock of the Church Matt. 16:18
712 Rock of the Wilderness I Cor. 10:4. Numbers 20:11
713 Rock and Fortress Psa. 71:3
714 Rock Our God Psa. 18:31. Deut. 32:4
715 Rock the Lord Psa. 18:2
716 Rod and Branch Isa. 11:1
717 Rod of His Mouth Isa. 11:4. Deut. 18:18
718 Rod of My Anger Isa. 10:5. Nahum 1:6
719 Rod of My Strength Psa. 110:2
720 Rod of Thine Inheritance Psa. 72:4
721 Root of David Rev. 5:5, 12
722 Rose of Sharon Isa. 65:10. Song of Solomon 2:1
723 Ruler of Israel Micah 5:2. Gen. 49:10
724 Ruler of the Twenty-Four Elders Rev. 4:4
725 Salvation of All Nations Isa. 33:2. Acts 4
726 Salvation of God Acts 28:28
727 Salvation of the Daughters of Zion Isa. 6:17
728 Samaritan John 4:40; 8:48
729 Same Lord Over All Romans 10:12
730 Same Stone of Prophecy Matt. 21:42
731 Same Yesterday Today Forever Heb. 13:8
732 Same Word of Eternity John 1:2
733 Sanctified and Sent One John 10:36
734 Saving Health Psa. 67:2
735 Saving Strength of His Anointed Psa. 28:8
736 Savior Isa. 19:20. Matt. 1:21
737 Savior Jesus II Peter 1:1
738 Savior of All I Timothy 4:10. Psa. 102:27
739 Savior of the Body Eph. 5:23. Acts 20:28
740 Savior of the Lost Luke 19:10. John 3:16
741 Savior of the World John 4:42. I John 4:14
742 Scepter Out of Israel Numbers 24:17
743 Scorned One Psa. 22:7
744 Searcher of Hearts Jeremiah 17:10. John 2:19
745 Second Man I Cor. 15:47
746 Secret of Thy Presence Psa. 31:20
747 Seed of Abraham (Promise) Heb. 2:16
748 Seed of Adam (Humanity) Luke 3:38
749 Seed of David (Kingship) Psa. 89:4, 38
750 Seed of God (Deity) Luke 1:39. Matt. 1:20
751 Seed of Jacob (Nationality) Isa. 65:9
752 Seed of Judah (Tribe) Gen. 49:10. Rev. 5:5
753 Seed of Shem (Race) Gen. 9:26. Luke 3:36
754 Seed of Woman (Prophecy) Gen. 3:14-15. Gal. 4:4
755 Seeking Shepherd Psa. 9:10. Matt. 9:36
756 Self-Existent One John 8:58. Exo. 6:14
757 Separate from Sinners Heb. 7:26
758 Servant Isa. 42:1. John 13:16
759 Servant of Rulers Isa. 49:7
760 Servant of the Father Matt. 12:18. John 8
761 Servant of the Lord Isa. 42:1. Phil. 2:7
762 Shade Upon Thy Right Hand Psa. 121:5
763 Shadow of a Great Rock Isa. 32:2. Exo. 33:22
764 Shadow of His Hand Psa. 42:2
765 Shadow of Mine Hand Isa. 51:16
766 Shadow of the Almighty Psa. 91:1
767 Shadow of Thy Wings Psa. 63:10. Matt. 23:3
768 Shalom of God Eph. 2:14. Judges 6:23
769 Shekinah Glory Isa. 60:13. Matt. 17:2. John 17:5
770 Shelter Psa. 61:3. Matt. 23:38
771 Shelter of His Flock Isa. 63:12
772 Shepherd of Israel Psa. 80:1
773 Shepherd of Souls I Peter 2:25
774 Shepherd of the Flock Isa. 40:11. John 10
775 Shepherd of the Little Flock Luke 12:32
776 Shepherd of the Other Sheep John 10:16
777 Shepherd of the Sheep John 10:2
778 Shepherd of Tender Compassion Isa. 40:11
779 Shepherd Lamb Rev. 7:17
780 Shepherd of the Valley Psa. 23:4
781 Shield For Me Eph. 6:16. Psa. 3:3
782 Shield of Thy Help Deut. 33:29
783 Shiloh Gen. 49:10
784 Shorn Lamb Isa. 50:6. John 19:1
785 Sign Spoken Against Luke 2:24
786 Silent and Meek Lamb Isa. 53:7. Acts 8:32
787 Sinbearer Isa. 53:2. I Peter 2:24
788 Sinless High Priest Heb. 4:15
789 Sinless One II Cor. 5:21. I John 3
790 Sir John 4:11; 5:7
791 Slayer of the Enemy Eph. 2:16
792 Smiter of the Nations Zech. 12. Eze. 7:9
793 Smitten Judge of Israel Micah 5:1
794 Smitten Rock of Horeb Exo. 17:6
795 Smitten Shepherd Zech. 13:7. Matt. 26:31
796 Smitten of God Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 27:46
797 Son of Man Matthew 12:8
798 Sower of the Word of God Matthew 13:37
799 Spirit of Christ Romans 8:9, I John 1:11
800 Song of Drunkards Psalms 69:12
801 Son from Heaven I Thessalonians 1:10, John 6:58
802 Son of David Matthew 9:27, Luke 3:31
803 Son of Freedom John 8:36
804 Son of God Matthew 27:43, John 9:35
805 Son of Joseph Luke 3:23, John 1:45
806 Son of Man in Heaven John 3:13
807 Son of Man, the Savior Matthew 18:11
808 Son of Mary Mark 6:3
809 Son of Peace Luke 10:6
810 Son of the Father II John 3
811 Son of the Freewoman Galatians 4:30, Romans 5:9
812 Son of the Highest Luke 1:32
813 Son of the Living God Matthew 16:16
814 Son of Truth John 18:30, Hebrews 1:9
815 Son Over His House Hebrews 3:6
816 Spiritual Drink I Corinthians 10:4, John 6:35
817 Spiritual Meat I Corinthians 10:4, John 6:36
818 Spiritual Rock I Corinthians 10:4, Exodus 17:6
819 Spoiler of the Principalities Colossians 2:15
820 Spokesman of the Father Hebrews 1:2
821 Sprinkler of Nations and Kings Isaiah 52:15
822 Star out of Jacob Numbers 24:17
823 Stay Psalms 18:8
824 Stiller of the Raging Sea Matthew 8:26, Psalms 89:9
825 Stone Cut without Hands Daniel 2:34
826 Stone of Israel Genesis 49:24
827 Stone of Stumbling Isaiah 8:14
828 Stone the Builders Rejected Matthew 21:42
829 Stranger and Alien Psalms 69:8, John 7
830 Strength and Song Exodus 15:2, Psalms 118:14
831 Strength in Time of Trouble Psalms 37:39
832 Strength of Israel I Samuel 15:29
833 Strength of My Heart Psalms 73:26
834 Strength of My Life Psalms 27:1
835 Strength of the Children Joel 3:16
836 Strength of the Lord Micah 5:4
837 Strength to the Needy Isaiah 25:4, Matthew 11:30
838 Strength to the Poor Isaiah 25:4, Matthew 11:24
839 Stretched out Arm Deuteronomy 26:8, Psalms 98:1
840 Strong Consolation Hebrews 6:18
841 Strong Foundation I Corinthians 3:11, Isaiah 28:16
842 Strong Fortress Psalms 18:2, Psalms 144:2
843 Strong Habitation Psalms 71:3
844 Strong Refuge Jeremiah 16:19
845 Strong Rock Psalms 31:2
846 Strong Sanctuary Jeremiah 17:12, Psalms 27:5
847 Strong Savior Psalms 140:7, Jeremiah 14:8
848 Strong Tower Psalms 61:3, Proverbs 18:10
849 Strong Weapon II Corinthians 10:4
850 Substitute Isaiah 53:5, Romans 5:8
851 Sure Foundation Isaiah 28:16, II Timothy 2:9
852 Sure Mercies of David Isaiah 55:3, Acts 13:34
853 Sure Steadfast Anchor Hebrews 6:9
854 Surety of a Better Testament Hebrews 7:22
855 Surety of David Psalms 119:123
856 Sustainer Psalms 3:5, Psalms 55:22
857 Sword of Thy Excellency Deuteronomy 33:29
858 Tabernacle Isaiah 4:6
859 Tabernacle of God Revelation 21:33
860 Teacher from God John 3:1, Luke 19:47
861 Teacher of David Psalms 18:34
862 Teacher of My Path Psalms 25:4-5
863 Tempest of Hail and Destroying Storm II Thessalonians 1:8, Isaiah 28:2
864 Temple John 2:19
865 Temple of the City Revelation 21:22
866 Tender Plant Isaiah 53:2
867 Terrible God Nehemiah 1:5, II Thessalonians 1:8
868 Terrible of the Kings Psalms 76:12
869 Testament of Prophecy Revelation 19:10
870 Testator Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:16
871 Testimony of the Scriptures John 5:39
872 That Bread John 6:48
873 That Eternal Life I John 1:2
874 That One from the Beginning I John 1
875 That Prophet Deuteronomy 18:15, John 1:25
876 That Rock I Corinthians 10:4
877 The Creator Romans 1:25
878 The Everlasting Arm Deuteronomy 33:27
879 The Excellent Delight Psalms 16:3, Psalms 37:10
880 The Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty Psalms 145:5, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 8:1
881 The Glory of Their Strength Psalms 89:17
882 The Grace of God Titus 2:11, John 1:17
883 The Highest Psalms 18:13
884 The Just I Peter 3:18
885 The Justification of Life Romans 5:18
886 The Justification of Many Romans 5:16
887 The King Matthew 25:4
888 The Lord My Hiding Place Psalms 32:7
889 The Lord My Helper and Deliverer Psalms 40:17
890 The Love of God I John 3:16
891 The Man John 19:1
892 The Manifest Life I John 1:2
893 The Mercy of the Most High Psalms 21:7
894 The Mighty of Jacob Psalms 132:2
895 The Rock of Our Salvation Psalms 95:1
896 The Savior Psalms 45:13
897 The Victory I Corinthians 15:57
898 The Savior of Upright Hearts Psalms 7:10
899 The Secret of the Lord Psalms 25:14, Judges 13:18
900 The Son of the Lord God Psalms 2:12, Proverbs 30:4
901 The Song of Moses Exodus 15:1, Revelation 15:3
902 The Sower Matthew 13:37
903 The Straight Gate Matthew 7:14, John 14:6
904 Thine Holy One Psalms 16:10
905 Thresher of Wheat and Chaff Matthew 3:12
906 Throne of God’s Holiness Hebrews 1:8
907 Thou Christ Matthew 26:68
908 Tower of David Song of Solomon 4:14
909 Tower and Fortress Jeremiah 6:27
910 Tower of Salvation II Samuel 22:51
911 Trampler of the Young Lion and Dragon Psalms 91:13
912 Treader of the Angry Waves Job 9:8
913 Treader of the High Places Deuteronomy 33:29
914 Treader of the Lion and Adder Psalms 91:13
915 Treader of the Winepress Revelation 19:15
916 Thy Glorious Name Nehemiah 9:5
917 Thy Kindness & Marvelous Comfort Psalms 26:3, Psalms 17:7
918 Thy Staff and Comfort Psalms 23:4
919 Thy Praise Deuteronomy 10:21
920 Treasure of Wisdom Colossians 2:3
921 Tried Stone Isaiah 28:16
922 Triumphant Christ II Corinthians 2:14, Colossians 2:15
923 Triumphant Overcomer John 16:33, Colossians 2:1
924 Triumphant Lamb Revelation 17:14
925 True and Faithful Witness Jeremiah 42:5, Revelation 3:14
926 True and Righteous Judge Revelation 19:2
927 True Bread from Heaven John 6:32
928 True God and Eternal Life John 17:3, I John 5:2
929 True Light John 1:9
930 True Vine John 15:1
931 Truth John 14:6, John 18:37
932 Uncorrupted and Glorified One Acts 2:30, John 20:20
933 Uncomprehendable Light John 1:4
934 Undefiled Hebrews 7:26
935 Unknown God Acts 17:23, John 1:3, Romans 1
936 Unspeakable Gift II Corinthians 9:15
937 Upholder of All Things Colossians 1:17, Hebrews 1:3
938 Upholding Right Hand Psalms 63:8
939 Valiant Right Hand Psalms 118:15-16
940 Vail to the New and Living Way Hebrews 10:20, Matthew 27:58
941 Very Beautiful King Isaiah 33:17, Revelation 21-22
942 Very Christ Acts 9:22, Luke 24:43
943 Very Foundation of the Church Matthew 16:18
944 Very God of Peace I Thessalonians 5:23
945 Very Great Psalms 104:1
946 Very High Psalms 71:19
947 Very High Priest Hebrews 10:1-39
948 Very High Servant Isaiah 52:13
949 Very Lovely Song Ezekiel 33:32
950 Very Present Help Psalms 46:1
951 Very Pure Word Psalms 140
952 Victorious King and Lord Revelation 19:18, Isaiah 66:15
953 Victorious Lord Jesus Psalms 98:1, Matthew 12:20
954 Victorious One Isaiah 66:15, Romans 6:9
955 Victory I Corinthians 15:57
956 Vine John 15:1
957 Voice of Great Thunder Revelation 14:2
958 Voice of Many Waters Revelation 1:12
959 Voice of the Almighty Ezekiel 10:5, Hebrews 1:1
960 Voice of the Lord God Genesis 3:8, Psalms 29:4
961 Wall of Fire Zechariah 2:5, Exodus 13:27
962 Water of Life John 4:11; 6:36, Revelation 22:17
963 Way John 14:6
964 Way Everlasting Psalms 139:24, John 14:6
965 Way of Salvation Isaiah 45:22, Romans 4:5
966 Way of the Just Isaiah 26:7
967 Way of the Lord Isaiah 40:2
968 Way to the Holiest Hebrews 9:8
969 Weakness of God I Corinthians 1:25
970 Well Beloved of God Matthew 12:6, Psalms 71:3
971 Well Beloved Son Matthew 3
972 White Linen of the Saints Revelation 19:8, 14
973 White Stone Revelation 2:17
974 Wisdom Luke 11:49
975 Wisdom and Knowledge Romans 11:33
976 Wisdom of the Just Luke 1:17
977 Wise and Strong Lamb Revelation 7:12
978 Witness Revelation 1:5
979 Witness of the Father John 8:18
980 Witness of Truth John 18:37
981 Witness to the People Isaiah 55:4, Matthew 26:55
982 Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6, 28, 29
983 Word John 1:1
984 Word Made Flesh John 1:14
985 Word of God Hebrews 11:3, Revelation 19:13
986 Word of His Power Psalms 33:6, Genesis 1:1
987 Word of Life I John 1:1, John 11:25
988 Word of Righteousness Psalms 119:123
989 Word of the Lord Psalms 18:30
990 Worshipful Lord Matthew 28:17, Revelation 5:14
991 Worthy Lamb of Heaven Revelation 5:12
992 Worthy Lord Jesus Revelation 4:11, 5:9
993 Worthy Redeemer Revelation 5:9
994 Worthy Servant Philippians 2:7, Revelation 7:17
995 Wounded One in House of Friends Zechariah 13:6
996 Wounded One for Transgressors Isaiah 53:12
997 Yolk of Peace and Rest Matthew 11:28-30
998 Young Child Matthew 2:11, Isaiah 9:6
999 Zeal of the Lord of Hosts Isaiah 9:7, 37:32
1000 Zealous One Psalms 69:9, Matthew 21:12, John 2:14

1000 Names of Jesus: Names of Jesus from A to Z

Our website, 1000 Names of Jesus, is dedicated to exploring and celebrating all the names and titles of Jesus Christ. Each name holds a deep spiritual significance and reveals different aspects of His character, His mission, and His relationship with us.

1000 names of jesus

Discover all the Names of Jesus

The Bible is rich with names for Jesus, each reflecting His divine nature and role in our lives. From the well-known titles like "Savior" and "Messiah" to the more intricate names found throughout scripture, this site serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and devotion to Jesus Christ.

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What You’ll Find Here

  • 1000 Names of Jesus: Explore the extensive list of 1000 names, each accompanied by biblical references and insights. This list is available in multiple languages, including Tamil and Telugu, making it accessible to a diverse audience.

  • Downloadable Resources: For those who prefer offline study, we provide a 1000 Names of Jesus PDF. This downloadable resource allows you to keep these names close at hand for personal reflection or group study.

  • Exploring Jesus in Different Cultures: Learn about how Jesus is recognized in various cultures through names like 1000 Names of Jesus in Tamil and 1000 Names of Jesus in Telugu. Each name is steeped in cultural and religious significance, offering a unique perspective on His divine nature.

  • Additional Resources:

    • 1000 Names of God in the Bible: Explore the extensive list of names that God is referred to in the Bible, deepening your understanding of His infinite nature.

    • 100 Names of Jesus: A more concise list for those who want to start with the most commonly recognized names.

    • 600 Names of Jesus: Another detailed compilation, available in both text and PDF formats.

    • 200 Names of Jesus: A shorter list for quick reference or study.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the 100 names of Jesus?
    The 100 names of Jesus are a collection of titles and descriptions found in the Bible, each reflecting different attributes of Christ.

  • How many names of Jesus are there?
    While this site focuses on 1000 names, the Bible contains countless titles and descriptions of Jesus, each highlighting a different aspect of His divine nature.

  • What are the names of Jesus from A to Z?
    A complete alphabetical list of Jesus' names can be found on our site, guiding you through a comprehensive understanding of His character.

  • What are Jesus' real names?
    Jesus' most commonly recognized name in Hebrew is Yeshua, meaning "The Lord Saves." Other names include Emmanuel, meaning "God with us."

  • What are the 12 names of Jesus?
    These include foundational titles such as Son of God, Lamb of God, and Prince of Peace.

  • What are the 100 names of God's list?
    This list includes names and titles for God found throughout the Old and New Testaments.

  • What are the 25 names of Jesus in the Bible?
    A select list of 25 names that are frequently cited in Christian teachings and sermons.

  • What is the 'J' in Jesus' name?
    The 'J' in Jesus' name reflects the English translation of the original Hebrew name, Yeshua.

  • What is the 'Y' name for Jesus?
    The 'Y' name refers to Yeshua, which is Jesus' Hebrew name.

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We invite you to explore the richness of Jesus' names on this website, deepen your faith, and share these insights with others. Whether you are new to Christianity or have been a follower of Jesus for years, 1000 Names of Jesus offers something for everyone.

Feel free to download our resources, share your favorite names of Jesus, and engage with our community. May this journey through the names of Jesus bring you closer to Him and enrich your spiritual life.

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